
Cube Optimization

Cube Optimization

The perfect amount of protective cushion, every time.

Cube Optimization

The perfect amount of protective cushion, every time.

Fulfillment Velocity

Fulfillment Velocity

An easy-to-use touch-key control panel simplifies an operator's learning curve and gets packages out the door faster.

Fulfillment Velocity

An easy-to-use touch-key control panel simplifies an operator's learning curve and gets packages out the door faster.

Handling, Simplified

Handling, Simplified

The system uses two sizes of peforated film roll with a fixed bag size: 19 in x 16 in or 19 in x 24 in.

Handling, Simplified

The system uses two sizes of peforated film roll with a fixed bag size: 19 in x 16 in or 19 in x 24 in.